As a German-speaking I was born in south Siberia (Omsk) and grew up bilingually (Russian and German). My grandmother Linda spoke German only with me and my litttle sister whereas my parents spoke Russian at home. As I went to school in 1979 my life has changed. I knew now that I have German roots so that it was no question which foreign language shall I choose (German or English). Unfortunately, it was not possible at school to learn both languages. I had various hobbies and had a dream: studying languages and travelling around the world!

When I was 16 years old I started to study at the teachers college in Omsk to become a teacher for German and English even though I also wanted to study fashion design... After finishing 3 years of study I together with my family had relocated to Germany so that a new phase of my life began. I started to study translating and interpreting at the University of the Saarland and after 10 semsters graduated as graduate translator for Russian and English in 1998. During my studies I went to Great Britain as an exchange student where I studied for my life and travelled a lot discovering the green island. At that time one of my dreams went true - the on of travelling. My first job afther the graduation brought me to the bavarian metropole Munich with which I immediately felt in love. Then my destiny brought me to Ireland (county Kerry) where I was living and working for over 3 years. After coming back to Germany I found a new job at a large patent attorneys company. During this time I have got a further qualification as a secretary of a patent attorney and gathered more experience in the field of translation.
I became a sworn translator for Russian and English at the Federal Courts of Saarland, Bavaria, Baden-Wuerttemberg and Lower Saxony and was also working as a freelanced translator. After birht of my daughter and my son I was working from home as translator, private teacher and consultant. Now I have a new dream of translating children`s books and illustrating them. At the moment I am translating an auto-biographical novel from Russian into German.

It is now a year since I started to work as a technical translator for a well-known producer of bodybuildings and trailers in Lower Saxony.
Irene Joretzki   
sworn translator for russian and german
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